so here comes my second blog post of the day (yes yes, I posted twice today, don't ask why). Today's activity in our calendar was making frosted looking tea light holders. Sounds difficult but it could be easier. What you need is : glass containers (we used glass jars that were previously yoghurt pots), one egg white, and white caster sugar. (I had to borrow some from my mom as we only use organic blonde sugar in this house).
I slight beat the egg white, then the boys painted the outside part of the glass jars with this gooey liquid, with the help of a cooking brush (made for ... eggs, precisely). Then they sprinkled the said painted jar, with the sugar. I made the excess of sugar fall from the jar, and they were left out to dry for a couple of hours.

I hope you're having a lovely Tuesday. I'm off to grab the boys at school now. It's been so dark all day, and drizzling too. Please take good care, and thank you very much for taking time to stop by.
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