make 2 chains then on the first one of those chains make a puff stitch (consists of 10 half treble stitches) make 4 chains..

make 3 chains and turn back. Make a treble crochet on 3rd of 4 chains you’ve made on the step 2 ( Interpreters comment:between the first and the second puff stitch

make 2 chains, make a treble crochet on the fist chain on the first of those 4 chains (interpreters comment: this is a box in between the pf stitches) Work 4 chains, make pf in to the 3rd of those 4 chains. Work 2 chains then make a treble crochet on top f the boxes as shown on the picture.

6 work more rows of boxes as shown on the picture.

work 4 chains, make pf in to the 3rd of those 4 chains, then attach it to the boxes with a treble crochet as shown..

continue as shown on the picture.

turn back again, this is how we multiply the pfs

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